Why Does She Stay?
When the topic of domestic violence comes up, the first question those who are not familiar with the matter asks is "If it's so bad, then why does she stay?" This is also perhaps the reason why domestic violence isn't the priority with everyone the way that it should be.
What follows are reasons which either on their own or in some combination prevent a woman from leaving her abuser.
- She loves her partner. She hates his actions.
- She doesn't want to break up the family.
- She thinks all relationships are this way.
- Her religion enforces the sanctity of marriage.
- She doesn't think what's happening to her is abuse.
- The abuser swears he will change.
- There are still good times in the relationship.
- She believes that it's all her fault.
- She can help make things better by not leaving.
- She doesn't want others to know she's being abused.
- She feels sorry for her abuser.
- Her abuser made her believe no one will want her.
- She doesn't have a job.
- She doesn't have money.
- She won't be able to protect her children.
- She's not familiar with what the legal system offers her.
- She doesn't know what social services offer her.
- He threatens to kill her.
- He threatens to kill himself.
- He threatens to kill her children.