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Jeanne Beard offers ideas on how to make Christmas a happy inclusive experience for people with Autism
Sarah Janssen shares what's featured in the 2018 World Almanac & Book Of Facts
Michael P. Foley explains the ways and reasons why Christianity is attacked and dismissed
Cecilia Zalkind shares the results of a report on NJ schools and the federal breakfast program
Deanna Wallace discusses the health risks existing at abortion providers in NJ and nationwide
Dr. Howard Edington tells the story of Jesus' earthly father Joseph
Ross Marchand gives his analysis of the tax reform bill expected to pass Congress
Maria Espinoza explains the problems and dangers created by Sanctuary Cities
Jill Gonzalez tells how well NJ and other states address the issue of elder abuse
Travis Weber reviews a U.S. Supreme Court case about a baker who refused to make a cake for a gay couple
Dr. Bonner Cohen talks about the claims versus the facts regarding the cause of the California wildfires
Erick Stakelbeck gives his analysis of President Trump's declaration that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel
Attorney Jill Cohen discusses the legal challenges that could be by business entities who take part in NJ's proposed legal marijuana industry
Toni Angelini explains why a proposed $15 minimum wage in NJ would harm rather than help workers who would receive it
Father Dwight Longenecker gives his insight into the story of DC Metro refusing to display a Faith themed ad on their buses
Kendra Arnold shares details about how taxpayer dollars are used to settle sexual harassment claims against members of Congress
Lloyd Grove gives his analysis of the Today Show's Matt Lauer being fired for sexual assault
Police Sgt. Nevin Mattessich gives details about the arrest of a NJ man for manufacturing high power guns
Daniel Webster shares the results of a study on Right-To-Carry laws in NJ and the nation
Dr. Tanya Altman and Kristina Vannoni discuss how to keep children safe from germs in the classroom
Chris Arps explains why the California NAACP has said that the Star-Spangled Banner is racist
Alfredo Ortiz gives his analysis of how proposed tax reform would benefit small business
A Special Commentary by Chris DeBello about the numerous allegations of sexual assault being made
Jon Riches gives an update on how Jersey City teachers get paid for teaching while doing union work
Dr. Thomas McCarrick explains how people can receive personal medical care online
Dr. Amy Hoch discusses how colleges are responding to reports of sexual assault
Julie Kelly talks about whether Election Day results were a rejection of President Trump
Reverend Dr. Rob Schenck shares his insight into how the massacre at the church in Sutherland Springs Texas is impacting people's Faith
Adele LaTourette reviews the results of a report on the SNAP food program in NJ
Stephanie Karpowicz discusses a financial literacy program Junior Achievement NJ makes available to schools
Lauren Fix explains the financial and production problems being faced by Tesla Motors
Chris Chmielenski talks about the immigration lottery program which allowed the terrorist in the NYC truck attack to enter the U.S.
Edward Klein reveals the names of the people in the anti-Trump movement and their actions
Vanessa Brown Calder explains how land use regulations impact land owners and housing costs
Brian Mannix reviews the regulations that President Trump has eliminated
Professor Alain Sanders gives his analysis of recent GOP infighting
Pamela Geller discusses what compelled her to go from career woman to crusader against radical Islam
John Fanburg reveals the results of an annual survey on what NJ doctors feel about practicing in the state
Eric Scheiner tells the story about the threats TV host and NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch has been subjected to by anti-gun people
Robert Ehrlich discusses the continuing National Anthem protests by NFL players
Philip Shenon shares his insight into what the final release of JFK Assassination documents may reveal
The Amazing Kreskin talks about how he discovered and developed his mental abilities
A Special Commentary by Chris DeBello about what trouble results when an email isn't read but responded to
Anthony Colandro shares how he's using his shooting range to help people become more experienced and positive about responsible gun ownership
Michael Noriega explains how possible changes to the DACA immigration program will impact illegal immigrants in NJ
Sally Quinn discusses her search for Faith in her life
WWE Hall Of Famer Mick Foley talks about his experiences from becoming a part of the Santa Claus Ambassador culture
Jamie Bernard talks about domestic violence in NJ and the services avialable to help victims
Michael Meath explains how open competition between energy providers benefits consumers
Father Frank Pavone discusses the status of legislation which would prohibit abortions after 20 weeks
Chris Bird gives his analysis of the Mandalay Bay Las Vegas shooting massacre and offers personal safety tips for individuals faced with a rampage shooter
Shauna Moses reviews the $200 million program to battle opioid addiction in NJ
Craig Richardson explains how federal environmental regulations cost a California farmer who performed basic land maintenance over $1 million
Former FBI Agent Del Hahn tells the factual story of pilot turned drug smuggler Barry Seal versus the story told in the new Tom Cruise film
Lt. General Jerry Boykin discusses the National Anthem protests by NFL players and the message that they're creating
Brent Johnson shares the latest news from the race for NJ Governor campaign trail
Jennifer Johnson talks about the September 24 Action Against Hunger Food Drive in northen NJ
Amy Knight explains how and why opponents of Vladimir Putin have sudden endings to their lives
Claudia Rosett gives her analysis of President Trump's speech at the UN
Laurie Woog discusses how the impending changes to the DACA immigration program will impact NJ immigrants who are a part of it
Martin Kramer talks about federal funding NJ medical centers have been awarded to battle the rise in opioid abuse and addiction
Dr. John Huber explains how people develop a fear of clowns and how it can be treated
Hans Bader gives his legal analysis of the unfair ways colleges deal with harassment and treat freedom of speech
A Special Commentary by Chris DeBello about the financial transparancy of the American Red Cross
Chris Chmielenski offers an analysis of President Trump's decision to end the DACA program and what may replace it
Chia Chia Wang explains how the end of the DACA program will impact the people in it
David Paine and Jay Winuk will share how people can use the anniversary of the 9/11 radical Islamic terrorist attacks as an inspiration to volunteer in their community
A Special Commentary by Chris DeBello about September 11, 2001
Assemblyman Parker Space responds to critics of his posing in a photo in front of a Confederate Flag
Phil Kerpen previews the corruption trial of U.S. Senator Robert Menendez
Susan Crabtree explains how legislation in California would give financial benefits to Tesla Motors at the cost of taxpayers
Liberty McArtor shares stories of some of the heroes in Houston who have been part of the Hurricane Harvey recovery
Michael Bush tells how he received threats from NJ animal rights activists after wrongly being associated with the shooting of a bear
Chris Jericho shares stories from his pro-wrestling career and life
Raheem Kassam explains what No Go Zones are and how they're impacting cities where they exist
DNC Vice-Chair Michael Blake gives his analysis of recent President Trump actions and the 2018 elections
A Special Commentary by Chris DeBello remembering Jerry Lewis
Dr. Susan Brill explains why opioid abuse in NJ has grown and how to respond to it
Martin Kramer tells how recent federal funding will help NJ Health Centers provide their services
Janice Dean talks about her latest children's sciene book and the August 21 solar eclipse
Dr. Everett Piper shares how personal sensitivities and speech supression have invaded the college education process
A Special Commentary by Chris DeBello about President Trump's responses to a White Supremacist rally and offers how Confederate history should be treated
Brian Shott reviews an annual report on NJ's policies regarding cancer prevention and care
Chris DeBello gives an update on the story of Mallory Grossman, the 12-year-old NJ girl who committed suicide after being cyber bullied
Mark Flatten explains how local politics influences local courts
Sharyl Attkisson tells how Liberals and the news media attempt to smear and silence people they oppose
A Special Commentary by Chris DeBello about the latest Obamacare insurance market facts
Dr. Barbara Ostfeld explains the elements of SIDS and ways to prevent it
Mary Burns and Elaine Tizzano preview the August 5th Changing The Face Of Addiction walk in northwest NJ
Jennifer Williams discusses President Trump's call to no longer allow transgender Americans to serve in the U.S. military
A Special Commentary by Chris DeBello about the Senate GOP's failure to pass healthcare reform
Hannah Smith discusses the attempt by atheists to prevent NJ churches from receiving funds from local building restoration programs
Dr. Robert Aiken explains the brain cancer Sen. John McCain has been dianosed with and paths of treatment
Jordan Goodman talks about the poor accounting practices of a college tuition loan fund along with the wiser ways to save and borrow for college
Jesse Singal refutes a claim that objectionable speech creates mental health issues
Melissa Francis reviews the past week's top news stories
Pam Harmon explains the benefits of a new digital infant ID system
Kellee Green Blake discusses the significance of the Pennington African Cemetery in Pennington NJ
Phil Kerpen gives his analysis of the upcoming corruption trial of U.S. Senator Robert Menendez
John Heubusch explains how President Trump can benefit by following actions taken by President Ronald Reagan
Dustin Racioppi reviews the NJ state budget battle, state government shut down, the winners, losers and Chris Christie using a beach closed to the public
Joel Berg details a USDA hotline that connects needy families with summer nutrition programs for children
Happy Days co-star Anson Williams talks about the dangers of driving while drowsy, ways to prevent it, his involvement with the reboot of Battle Of The Network Stars and remembers co-star Erin Moran
A Special Commentary by Chris DeBello about the battle between President Trump and the news media
Laurie Woog gives a legal analysis of the changes in U.S. immigration policy which were allowed by the U.S. Supreme Court
Rawaa Nancy Albilal explains what refugees need to go through as immigrants to the U.S. and how changes in those policies will impact them
Raheem Kassam tells how a moderate Muslim voice is reacted to by the Muslim community when that voice speaks out against radicalization
Dave Dougherty clears up some myths about the American Revolutionary War
A Special Commentary by Chris DeBello about the Declaration Of Independence
Dr. Justin Patchin explains what cyberbullying is and how it leads to tragedies such as the suicide death of 12-year-old Mallory Grossman in NJ
Donna Rice Hughes offers ideas on dealing with and overcoming cyberbullying
Chris DeBello calls out NJ state politicians and educators for their failure to effectively deal with the growing rate of cyberbullying and the suicide deaths it causes
Brian Shott discusses legislation which would fund stop smoking programs and raise the legal age to smoke in NJ
PIX11 Senior Correspondent Marvin Scott shares some stories from his 50 year career
NJEA President Marie Blistan discusses education issues
Brian Connor talks about the hazing death of Penn State's Tim Piazza
Dr. Frieda Birnbaum shares a psychological analysis of the shooter who injured Rep. Steve Scaliese and others
Cheryl Chumley reviews the political reaction to the shooting which injured Rep. Steve Scalise and others
A NJ parent with a special needs child discusses the potential impact of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on special needs students education requirements
Cecilia Zalkind shares the results of a report on the availability of infant and toddler child care in NJ
Melissa Francis gives some life lessons for personal and professional success
Edward Klein offers his analysis of the testimony of former FBI Director James Comey
Jon Riches details a court case against the Jersey City school district over teachers doing union work instead of teaching
Andrew Walther discusses the persecution of Christians in Muslim countries and a new way to help those Christians
Marlo Lewis gives his analysis of President Trump's decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accord
Squatty Potty CEO Bobby Edwards talks about his decision to fire Kathy Griffin as his company's spokesperson
Adele LaTourette tells how proposed cuts in the SNAP program would impact people in NJ
Gloria Morales explains the reasons why parents are expressing concerns about a history book being used in NJ schools
John Zmirak gives his analysis of President Trump's meeting with the Pope
Raheel Raza shares her analysis of President Trump's Saudi Arabia speech and the radical Islamic terrorist attack in Manchester England
Dr. David Nathan discusses current legislation which would legalize marijuana use in NJ
Chris DeBello explains how not paying attention and not taking action can impact local education
Jordan Goodman gives tips on dealing with student loan debt
NASA Astronaut Leland Melvin shares stories from his career and life
Allan Smith looks back at the past week's stories about the Trump administration and the President's trip to the Middle East
Professor John Cornwell gives his analysis of a NJ law which mandates polygraph tests for paroled sex offenders
Rebecca Dorney explains how a NJ community group is fighting drug abuse and addiction
Jennifer Hartline discusses an Australian jewelry company which creates jewelry containing human embryos
Attorney Kendall Coffey shares his analysis of President Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey
NJ State Senator Jennifer Beck discusses school funding in NJ
Peter Cove explains how an end of social programs would fund job creation
MADD's JT Griffin talks about confusion caused by a recent study about driving while drugged
Robert O'Neill, the Navy SEAL who fired the shots that killed Osama bin Laden, will share stories from his life and military career
A Special Commentary by Chris DeBello on how ICE in NJ has responded to a judicial call to stop arresting illegal aliens at NJ courthouses
Cecilia Zalkind shares the results of a study on the state of child care in NJ
Professor Alain Sanders gives his analysis of President Trump's first 100 days in office
First Amendment attorney Floyd Abrams discusses the history and importance of the First Amendment
Dr. Everett Piper reviews the issues regarding Ann Coulter's cancelled appearance at UC Berkeley and how colleges have become centers of one-sided discussions
Jessica Vaughn discusses how immigration laws are now being enforced and the impact in NJ
Donna Rice Hughes explains the ways that cyber bullying takes place and how to prevent it
Former Marine Jude Eden talks about a military sex photo scandal
Alexandra DeSanctis shares her analysis of the special House seat election in Georgia
Joe Navarro reveals how an American traitor in the 1980's gave Russia nuclear secrets which left America defenseless against a nuclear attack
Dustin Racioppi reviews the current status of the NJ Governor race
Bret Vaks details the programs and education available to NJ autism patients and their families
Tom Clavin shares some stories of the Old West, Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson
Holocaust Historian Joshua Greene talks about Sean Spicer's comments contrasting Syria and Nazi Germany
Paula Kweskin presents stories of Christian persecution in Muslim countries
Debra Caplan reviews the efforts it took to get a meeting with a Congressman and the results of that meeting
Mark Claypool reviews a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on special education and what it means for children with autism
Carol Novello talks about how adopting a shelter pet creates positives for the person and pet
Former FDA Assistant Commissioner Peter Pitts give his analysis of FDA Director nominee Scott Gottlieb
Ian Tuttle discusses the allegations versus the facts about the Trump-Russia story
Michael Petrilli explains how the Every Student Succeeds Act education policies should be incorporated in NJ
Paul Louden shares stories from his life with autism
Boston Marathon bombing survivor Rebekah Gregory talks about that day and her path to recovery
David Brog discusses how falsehoods about Israel are presented as history
Jacob Toporek discusses the threats made to Jewish centers in NJ and elsewhere
Jeff Parrott explains the Veterans ID Card program in Sussex County NJ
Michelle Malkin tells the story of Joanne Chesimard who murdered a NJ State Trooper and has been living in asylum in Cuba
Jay Solomon talks about the decisions which lead to the nuclear agreement with Iran
A Special Commentary by Chris DeBello about Snooki's Law in NJ
John Ursin explains the latest reason for the delay of the Andover NJ train station project
Amy Shively Hawk tells the story of her step father who was a prisoner for six years in Vietnam
Dan Gainor talks about MSNBC's Rachel Madow's overblown story about President Trump's 2005 tax returns
David Wilson gives his analysis of the GOP healthcare plan and the CBO's scoring of it
A Special Commentary by Chris DeBello about reporters who want to make themselves the story
John Cecil explains the plans for overseeing Sparta Mountain in northwest NJ
Marianne Duddy-Burke discusses the story of a gay NJ teen who was removed from religious study classes
Daniel Barbarisi shares stories from his experiences playing Daily Fantasy Sports
Julie Kelly explains how global warming believers like Bill Nye debate with vague claims
Michael Hamilton gives his analysis of the GOP replacement of Obamacare
Wendell Steinhauer discusses new proposed plans for NJ school funding
Dustin Racioppi explains questions regarding anti-drug ads featuring NJ Gov. Chris Christie
Len Deo reviews the defeat of transgender student policies in the Egg Harbor Township NJ school district
Raheel Raza gives her analysis of the policy ideas regarding immigration and terrorism presented by President Trump
Tom Harris discusses the energy and environment policy ideas presented by President Trump
Suzanne Buchanan discusses new laws in NJ which support Autism programs and research
Attorney Armand Leone Jr. looks at the legal aspects of telemedicine
Nonie Darwish shares the story of her conversion from Islam to Christianity and the reasons for it
Rachel Alexander reveals how violence by immigrants in Sweden actually exists as President Trump talked about
Cecilia Zalkind shares the findings of a report on the school breakfast program in NJ
Akash Chougule explains the weakening financial structure of Obamacare and Humana's decision to completely drop out
Gregg Roman discusses the current state of relations between the U.S. and Israel
Scottie Nell Hughes reveals interesting sources some Republicans receive campaign donations from
Naomi Anderson explains the down side of Tax Refund Anticipation Loans and free ways that NJ residents can have their taxes prepared
Elyse Pivnick discusses a new lead poisoning law in NJ and testing homes for lead
Jennifer Burke reveals how Sen. Cory Booker has both praised and attacked President Trump's nominees
Alexandra DeSanctis discusses the Democratic Party's search for leaders and new identity
A Special Commentary by Chris DeBello about the 9th Circuit Court's ruling on President Trump's immigration restriction Executive Order
Steven Benvenisti discusses a pending NJ law regarding ignition locks for drunk drivers
Jeff Clayton talks about the impact of bail reform in NJ
Shaun Rieley explains the staffing problems at VA centers and why they're happening
Professor Jenna Ellis gives her analysis of the nomination of Neil Gorsuch for the U.S. Supreme Court
John Rossomondo reveals the facts about the Council On American-Islamic Relations
Ann McElhinney details the horrors committed by abortionist Kermit Gosnell, how state government enabled him and how the news media ignored the story
Dr. Richard Freund discusses a high tech search for Atlantis
Attorney Wendy Patrick explains what arrested protesters from the President Trump inauguration are facing
Tevi Troy tells how previous Presidents dealt with emergencies and other unplanned events
Dr. Borislav Stoev explains the importance of the flu vaccine
Dr. Sarah Lane discusses vaccine mandates in NJ
Jane Velez-Mitchell tells how animal rights activists played a role in the end of the Ringling Brothers Circus
David Horowitz gives his analysis of President Trump's inauguration speech and how he'll achieve his goals
Shauna Moses reviews addiction treatment programs and policies proposed by NJ Gov. Christie
Dori Scofield talks about tethering dogs outside in the cold and proper cold weather pet care tips
Andrew Campanella discusses school choice options and National School Choice Week
Jessica Jackson Sloan explains the need for prison sentencing reform
Alexandra DeSanctis looks back at the past week's Trump Administration nominee confirmation hearings
Dr. Marilyn Singleton explains the weak financial state of Medicare and how it's creating an increase in the call for physician assisted death laws in states including NJ
Jan Edwards talks about how human trafficking is perpetrated and how laws are working to stop it
Rachel Alexander shares details about the disappearance of the former CEO of the Clinton Foundation
Roy Beck gives his analysis of how illegal immigration will be dealt with in the Trump Administration
A talk with Michael DeVilliers about a proposed VA Center in northwest NJ and an update on the status of the project
Attorney Joseph Marrone discusses privacy issues associated with AI consumer products like The Echo
Former Shiloh Israel Mayor and terrorism survivor David Rubin gives his analysis of the UN resolution on Jewish settlements and John Kerry's speech about Israel